Ingenta Connect Library Newsletter Spring 2018

Library Newsletter

Last Pre-GDPR Edition!

On 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation will come into force. In the UK this replaces the Data Protection Act of 1998. According to the Information Commissioner’s Office, who should know, leaving the EU will not ‘affect the commencement of the GDPR’ and just because your institution is based outside the EU you may still have to abide by GDPR to remain on the right side of the law. For more information, see

Keeping records – and keeping them well – and consent are central to compliance with GDPR. It is intended that this will lead to greater investment in effective record-keeping by organisations leading to fewer breaches of data privacy and will avoid spam or unwanted marketing and promotional mailings.

So first, a bit of small print … You’re receiving this bulletin because at some point in the past you have not opted out of mailings from us. To continue receiving communications from us you will now need to opt in. If you would like to continue to receive this newsletter simply reply by clicking on the “Yes, please continue to send me the Ingenta Library Newsletter” from the button in your email that took you to this page, or from May 26th you can update your details online on the Institutional Admin area of Ingenta Connect using the new update details / consent form.

Similarly, if you’d like to be kept up to date with additional relevant news from Ingenta please click “Yes, please continue to send me Ingenta news” button in your email that took you to this page.

In this edition:

What are the Biggest Issues for University / Academic Librarians?
Ingenta Open Goes Live!
Need Help with Peer Review?
The CLOCKSS Archive: Long-Term Preservation for Scholarly Content
Ingenta Connect New Product Features: PDF annotation and Text-to-Speech converter
Ingenta Events – where we’re at in the coming months
Upcoming Ingenta Webinars
New Publishers on Ingenta Connect


The Ingenta Connect Team

What are the Biggest Issues for University / Academic Librarians?

Over the next few issues we’ll be taking a detailed look at some of the major issues faced by Academic Librarians today. If you would like to contribute a subjective opinion piece on any of the following issues we’d love to hear from you – just email

1. Budgets & Funding

Libraries need institutional funding to maintain and improve resourcing and facilities, yet they are continually being asked to do more with less. Competition for funds within institutions is fierce – what tactics can help librarians to avoid losing out?

2. Open Access

The tidal wave of OA content is growing. According to recent estimates, over 50% of published research content is now immediately available as open access, or will become available under an open access CC-BY license after an “embargo” period, typically of twelve months or less, (for a graphic illustration, see ). This will increase as UK and EU governments move towards OA as a pre-requisite for research funding. What impact will this have on the role of the academic librarian?

3. Dealing with New Acquisition Requests

The need for validation of all library purchases as well as the strict budget on which libraries have to operate makes it increasingly difficult for librarians to accept applications for new content from their patrons. PDA helps to an extent – but does this mean that niche research may go unsupported?

4. Career Progression & INSET

In service training is essential in a rapidly changing environment, especially given the pace of development in fields such as AI. But INSET is hard to find, and even harder to finance – how can librarians best equip themselves with the new skills they are likely to need?

5. Policy changes

Keeping up with policy change is often left to the individual, and it’s up to them to chase down developments by following appropriate forums. Not only is this inefficient – it means the chance of overlooking key changes (or learning about them too late) is greatly increased. Can this “communication gap” be improved? occur in the scholarly world regarding the way education materials should get handled, and librarians need to stay on top of things to ensure that they are not in violation of any regulations.

6. Librarians as Publishers

Along with Open Access comes increasing demands on academic libraries to facilitate publishing, and act as the core of (for example) new university presses. If you are a librarian, where do you find the advice and training you need to move into what is, in effect, a completely new role?

With acknowledgements to


Ingenta Open Goes Live!

From Byron Russell, Head of Ingenta Connect & Ingenta Open

At the London Book Fair Ingenta launched Ingenta Open (, a new discovery site and supported content management system dedicated exclusively to open access content. The new site will, in time, become a one stop shop for OA content from a multiplicity of sources, and will also offer low-cost hosting for journal and book publishers, especially university presses and society or students journals. The new site already indexes the majority of content from eLife, Ingenta Connect, Directory of Open Access Books and the Directory of Open Access Journals, with much more to come.

Nobody needs to “demo” the site to you – it’s free to access and browse. It will be continually updated with new content and features. Indexing your CC-BY content on the site is free of charge. If you would like to host your content on Ingenta Open, just contact me:


Need Help with Peer Review?

By Stephanie Sacharov, The Editorial Hub

As libraries look increasingly at the real possibility of becoming publishers, extra help from external providers in publishing-specific workflows and operations have become very attractive, enabling effective production and submissions processes without the need to employ additional skilled staff.

The Editorial Hub was set up in 2014 by Stephanie Sacharov and Naomi Conneely – who have more than twenty-five years of editorial experience between them – to offer peer review co-ordination and administration services to publishers and societies of peer-reviewed journals and books. The Editorial Hub quickly grew to become a globally recognised brand due to both their editorial expertise and quality of service, and they now work with some of the leading publishing houses worldwide with clients based across Europe, America, and Australasia.

The Editorial Hub offers services on a range of journal management systems such as Editorial Manager, ScholarOne Manuscripts, Open Journal Systems, and eJournalPress. Although they specialise in journal peer review administration, they also offer services for books, conference proceedings, and books of abstracts.

• Peer review management

Working with editors to ensure that manuscripts move through the peer review process as swiftly as possible. Their expertise in using online journal management systems means they are also able to assist users in resolving system related problems.

• Journal mailbox management

Handling all administrative related correspondence such as author enquires, reviewer extension requests, undeliverable email notifications, etc. leaving the editors free to focus on the research.

• Journal reports

Collating and analysing statistics such as submission numbers, processing times, and rejection rates.

• Transitioning accepted manuscripts

Developing a close relationship with production editors to ensure a seamless transition for accepted manuscripts from the end of peer review to the start of the publication process.

• General site admin and trouble-shooting

Keeping on top of the day-to-day running of the journal and working with editors, authors, and reviewers to ensure that peer review runs smoothly.

• Board meeting attendance and minute taking

Being on hand to offer insights from their experience on specific journals, but also from their extensive experience working in the scholarly publishing industry.

• In-house editorial training

Providing system orientation services for new editors, including helping to ease the transition from manual/spreadsheet submission to online peer review.
The Editorial Hub firmly believe that the most important part of any project is to understand the client’s needs and to achieve their targets efficiently. To this end, they work with a handpicked team of publishing professionals whose wealth of experience enables them to ensure fast turnaround times for their clients whilst retaining a high standard. This is borne out by their client feedback:

• Cambridge University Press

“The team’s knowledge of ScholarOne Manuscripts is incredibly comprehensive, as evidenced by their proficiency in running reports and training Editorial Board Members in the use of the system. Editorial Hub has been quick to win the confidence of our Editors and we have no reservations in recommending their services.”

• BDS Publishing

“The Editorial Hub team did an excellent job of managing our multi-contributor book program in ScholarOne. They are always professional and friendly as well as highly efficient. As a start-up publisher, not only was it comforting to know that this part of the editorial workflow was in safe hands but it allowed us to concentrate our limited resources on growing and managing other parts of the business.”

• The Marine Biological Association

“The JMBA Editor-in-Chief (EiC) has been delighted with the improvement in our processing time, which has improved significantly as well as with the professionalism of the EH staff, who are friendly and helpful and quick to chase up issues such as when manuscripts get ‘stuck’. They also liaise very efficiently with myself, the EiC and our Journals Management Board to ensure our manuscript processing is optimised.”

As well as the professional services they offer, The Editorial Hub is an active member of the publishing community. They regularly host Local Group Meetings for the International Society for Managing and Technical Editors in both London and Oxford, have a blog devoted to industry knowledge, and many useful resources on their website such as a glossary and calendar of industry events.

To learn more about The Editorial Hub please visit or connect with them on Twitter (@theeditorialhub), Facebook (, Instagram (, or LinkedIn (


The CLOCKSS Archive: Long-Term Preservation for Scholarly Content

By Craig Van Dyck, Executive Director, CLOCKSS

Just before the December holidays, the CLOCKSS Archive “triggered” 21 journals for open access. These were 21 of the journals that SAGE Publishing had acquired from Libertas Academica; SAGE had decided to cease publishing them, and to cease providing access. That’s when CLOCKSS stepped in, to preserve users’ access.CLOCKSS

CLOCKSS is a “dark archive” of scholarly content. With 30 million journal articles and 65,000 books, and growing rapidly, CLOCKSS is a leading preservation service for libraries and publishers who want to be sure that scholarly content will continue to be available to end-users for the long-term, no matter what might happen with the accessibility of the content.

Governance by the Community

CLOCKSS is a free-standing 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. Its Board of Directors includes 12 libraries and 12 publishers, who together discuss issues and make policy ( CLOCKSS is 11 years old and is financially stable and sustainable.


CLOCKSS uses the award-winning preservation technology, LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), that was developed by and is maintained by the Stanford University Library. The C in CLOCKSS stands for Controlled. CLOCKSS has all its content replicated on 12 servers, at leading academic libraries around the world ( The core of LOCKSS’s preservation capabilities is a polling-and-repair mechanism, by which mutually-distrusting peer systems continuously validate the integrity of the data they hold in common. In this way, though the contents of the archive are “dark”, we can maintain a high degree of confidence that the bits themselves are healthy over time, and that the original content can be made available intact in the case of a trigger event. CLOCKSS was certified as a Trusted Repository by the Center for Research Libraries in 2014 ( and is the only certified repository with a perfect score for Technologies, Technical Infrastructure, and Security. CLOCKSS believes that our technology is the most robust long-term preservation solution.

Global Network of Servers

The CLOCKSS servers are located at 12 leading academic libraries around the world, including Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Germany, Italy, the UK, Canada, and the US (


If content that is being preserved in the CLOCKSS Archive has disappeared from the web – or is in danger of disappearing – then CLOCKSS will “trigger” the content for open access. In its 11 years, CLOCKSS has triggered 53 journals comprising 14,000 articles, which is a very small percentage of the 2000+ journals and 30 million articles in the Archive ( CLOCKSS is committed to providing Open Access to triggered content.

2018 Priorities

In the near-term, the top priorities for CLOCKSS are:

– Complete the 3-year project to upgrade our global network of servers.
– Continue the LOCKSS software re-architecture, making it more modular, with the modules usable by more parties; and bringing in more open source components.
– Reach out more to libraries to articulate the CLOCKSS value proposition.
– Continue adding the complete journal backfiles of the largest publishers.
– Add more books.
– Review the CLOCKSS scope, to ensure that all key elements of scholarly publishing are being preserved, e.g. metadata, and “supplementary material”. For example, as of late 2017 we are adding Code Ocean, a software repository, to our archive.

Library Support and Publisher Participation

Libraries make voluntary contributions to CLOCKSS, in recognition of libraries’ responsibility as stewards of the scholarly literature on behalf of their faculty and students. Publishers sign an agreement with CLOCKSS, which defines rights, responsibilities, and fees. The library support levels and publisher fees are posted on the CLOCKSS website ( There are 300 library supporters and 250 publisher participants.


Ingenta Connect New Product Features

Make the Most of Content with PDF Annotation

By Heather Staines,

Ingenta Connect and Ingenta Open Publishers have new options to customize and control branded annotation layers over their content with Ingenta Connect and Ingenta Open Publishers can now augment the basic annotation moderated group annotation layers across online content. These new features give publishers more customization and control in providing researchers and students with an easy way to make private notes or enter collaborative discussions with peers.

In February 2017, the W3C standards body for the web approved annotation as a web standard, kicking off the era of interoperable, standards-based annotation. Annotators on Ingenta-hosted content will no longer need to worry that their notes and conversations will be locked into a proprietary tool beyond their control and potentially inaccessible to them. When operating in accordance with the standard, annotation clients should work like email clients today — users operating on different services will be able to create annotations that interact with those of others regardless of which service they use.

Who is annotating? Researchers are using annotation to organize their own private notes, collaborate with their peers, and update their publications, connecting them with resources and data across the web. Teachers are using the service — standing alone or through a Learning Management System integration — to assign close readings and collaboration projects for their students. Journalists are using annotation to fact-check online publications and/or to research stories. Publishers are creating a variety of group options: open “general discussion” groups that anyone can join, restricted layers for authors to annotate their own works or for exposing peer review summaries, layers that provide information around metadata entities, such as Research Resource Identifiers (RRIDs) or other standard identifiers. Annotation is also being used in the peer review process, enabling reviewers to add their remarks on top of draft articles and allowing editors and authors to respond accordingly. Publishers are also discovering additional uses for annotation all the time, including the creation of production groups to annotate on top of xml staging sites, editorial teams marking up websites to indicate upcoming changes, and marketing departments tweeting out annotations as promotional material or connecting media mentions back to published articles.

“Custom annotation layers give publishers new ways to engage people directly in the version of record,” said Heather Staines, Director of Partnerships at “Now branded, moderated conversation and additional resources can live right alongside publications, making them more useful and richer for everyone.”

In 2015, the Annotating All Knowledge Coalition was formed to bring together annotation enthusiasts, including Ingenta, for collaboration around interoperable experiments. Today, that group numbers more than 70 members, including universities, publishers, platforms, and technology companies. Membership is free. Information is available online:

Ingenta publishers wishing to create their own branded and moderated layers can work with to enable this new functionality. Supported integrations include multiple publisher groups with the requisite permissions levels, customized configuration of the annotation client to fit with publisher websites, full customer support, and programs for adoption and success.

Ingenta Connect increases Accessibility by Introducing ReadSpeaker tools on site

Here at Ingenta we’re doing our best to increase accessibility. Or latest new feature in the field is the addition of ReadSpeaker’s proprietary TTS (text to speech) converter.
With ReadSpeaker’s online text to speech solutions, content is available to a larger population of users, such as those with literacy difficulties, learning disabilities, reduced vision, language learners, and anyone else looking for a simpler way to access digital content on the go.

For ReadSpeaker’s online, SaaS-based product no downloads are necessary. Online content is speech-enabled on the fly with text to speech.


ReadSpeaker Listen tool



Users simple click on the floating “Listen” tag or highlight sections of the text they want to hear.



Texts can now be used for additional purposes such as language training and made far more accessible without having to leave the main site. To quote one review, ReadSpeaker “is clean, simple, and straightforward to use; the toolbar is nicely located at the start of each page’s main content. Users are able to click anywhere on the bar, beginning read-back immediately from the top of the main content, without requiring mouse interaction.

The default contrast was a pleasant surprise for dual-colour highlighting; it offers a nice selection of alternative synchronised highlight contrasts together with options for word highlighting, sentence highlighting, or no highlighting at all. We were also able to change the speed of reading”

From: The Digital Accessibility Centre

For further information, just look (or listen!) to any article page on Ingenta Connect, and visit

And if you are interested in accessibility issues, don’t miss our our webinar Accessibility and Your Content by guest speaker Alistair Mcnaught (Subject Matter Expert – Accessibility at Jisc) on June 13th 15.00 GMT / 16.00 CET / 10.00 EST. The webinar is free but places are limited to 50 participants.


Ingenta Events – where we’re at in the coming months

We’re doing a bit of travelling over the next few months. Come and see us at….

Society for Scholarly Publishing – Chicago, Illinois USA (30th May – 1st June 2018)

“The annual meeting will be held in Chicago, a crossroad city itself, and we will explore which strengths to draw on from our past, what might be holding us back, and where to go to meet the needs of researchers and other important stakeholders. As publishers, librarians, vendors, and academics, we will discuss the challenges and opportunities that face us as an industry and how we can best continue to serve our mission of publishing and distributing quality scholarly content”

Beijing Book Fair – Beijing, China (22nd – 26th August 2018)

One of the world’s biggest book fairs, with 2, 407 exhibitors, 300,000 visitors (yes, that’s not a typo), 86 countries and regions represented. From the PA Marketing Report on China, “catering for a population of over 1.3 billion with over 95% literacy, the Chinese book market is the largest in the world by volume, and the second largest in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP), after that of the USA. Official estimates for publishing, printing and distribution services for 2013 overall were 1.82 trillion yuan ($300 billion) an increase of 9.7% on 2012”.

ALPSP – Windsor, UK (12th -14th September 2018)

The ALPSP Conference provides a friendly forum in which to share information and knowledge, learn about new initiatives, and engage in open discussion on the challenges and opportunities facing publishing today. With expert speakers and a wide-ranging programme, the ALPSP Conference is for everyone in the scholarly publishing community. We also offer a range of sponsorship opportunities at the conference. The ALPSP Conference is a key event in the calendar and attracts a high-level audience from all sectors of the scholarly communications industry.

COASP – Vienna, Austria (17th – 19th September 2018)

Registrations are now open for the 10th anniversary of our annual conference, the Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing (COASP).


Upcoming Ingenta Webinars

If you have updated your personal information on your library administration pages on Ingenta Connect – or signed up to continue to subscribe to this Newsletter – we will be able to send you invitations to the following free webinars we will run in the second half of the year:

An introduction to Licencing – (given by guest presenters from – October (pre-Frankfurt Bookfair)

Open Access – (given by our special guest Eelco Ferwerda from OAPEN / DOAB) – November

The Joy of DOIs – (given by our special guest Rachel Lammey from Crossref) – December

New Initiatives- Knowledge Unlatched – (given by KU’s CEO Sven Fund) – January

The Flowering of ORCID – (given by our special guest Alice Meadows, Director of Community Engagement & Support at ORCID) – February


New Publishers on Ingenta Connect

Ingenta Connect welcomes the following publishers to the platform:

The next issue of the Ingenta Library Newsletter is published in August. There will be news of more webinars to come, new features and details of new publishers joining us. If you would like to publish and showcase innovations or case studies that have worked in your library, please get in touch!

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