Ingenta Connect Library Newsletter Winter 2018

Library Newsletter

Welcome to the Winter Edition of the Ingenta Connect library newsletter. In this issue….

  • Ingenta Open: A Brand New Resource for Open Access
  • New Oxford Conference puts the Spotlight on China
  • The CLOCKSS Archive: Long-Term Preservation for Scholarly Content
  • The George Pitcher Award – we Announce the 2017 Winner
  • News from Ingenta…
  • Upcoming Events
  • Upcoming Webinars

Ingenta Open: A Brand New Resource for Open Access

Those of you with a good memory may recall the introduction of a beta version of Ingenta Open back in 2016. We are now on the point of publicly launching the latest version of Ingenta Open (IO).

This new version has been built on Ingenta CMS and as such is very different from the previous version, which was essential a filter and skin over Ingenta Connect. An entirely new product, Ingenta Open was designed from the outset with Open Access content in mind. The new service is currently being populated with content and is entirely free to use, with no registration necessary.

For publishers – particularly new library-run university presses, student journals and small societies – Ingenta Open offers a low cost, fully supported hosting solution, enabling them to deliver whole books or chapters, monographs, single articles or entire journals. Full publication information, including DOIs and ORCIDs, plus comprehensive metrics tools to fully assess impact and usage is included in the hosting package, with integration of collaborative annotation tools and TrendMD contextualized referencing facilitating discovery. Search facilities by keyword or subject are collection make browsing faster and simpler, and new XML-first content processing workflows facilitate the content loading process.  Distribution of metadata to EBSCO, OCLC, InfoTrieve, NLM and other discovery services is included. Optional Print-on-Demand and APC invoicing modules, plus discounts on must-have third party services such as Altmetric, will complete the package.  If publishers have their own hosting solution they can simply feed to Ingenta Open with their own publisher “home page” on the site, opening up another discovery channel for their work.

For users, Ingenta Open represents a single one gateway for as much legitimate OA content as possible, across a broad content and format spectrum; there is no need to jump around sites. If users register they can set up alerts and favorites, and purchase PoD versions of books and monographs.

Ingenta Open screenshot

Hosting with Ingenta Open costs as little as £700 annually, making it ideal for student journals, archival material and university presses. Launch is scheduled for March 1st 2018.

New Oxford Conference puts the Spotlight on China

Oxford Brooks University, Ingenta (UK) Limited and the Oxford Confucius Institute are delighted to announce the 2018 Symposium on Scholarly Publishing in Europe and China. This new event, one of the first of its kind in Europe to focus on building collaborative networks between academic publishing houses in China and the west, brings together experts and delegates in order to better understand each other’s needs and explore solutions and opportunities for future collaboration.

St Catherines College OxfordPurposely coinciding with the end of the London Book Fair and UKSG, when a number of international delegates will already be in the UK, the ambitious schedule begins with a networking dinner at St. Catherine‘s College Oxford and an after-dinner plenary from guest speaker Michiel Kolman, president of the International Publishers Association. The program continues the following day with four plenary sessions and four panel discussions, covering topics such as the future of academic publishing, open access, search and discovery and the changing roles of authors and researchers. Overnight accommodation is available in College as a no-cost option.

The symposium is an unmissable event for all those interested in international publishing relations and the scholarly publishing environment in China, including library run publishing services. In addition to Michiel Kolman, speakers include:

  • David Taylor, Senior Vice President of Content Acquisition International, Ingram
  • Sven Fund, Managing Director Verlagsgruppe Peter Lang & Director, Knowledge Unlatched
  • Phill Jones, Director of Publishing Innovation, Digital Science
  • Professor James Lee, Chair Professor of History and Sociology, Dean of School of Humanities and Social Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Lara Speicher, Publishing Manager, UCL Press,
  • Xinyuan Wang, Author, Social Media in Industrial China,
  • Ella Chen, General Manager, Charlesworth China
  • Charlie Rapple, Co-founder, Kudos,
  • André Gaul, Co-founder, Paperhive

For an advance programme please contact The Oxford Brookes symposium page is available here;  to book direct please go to the booking page. Special rates are available for students (limited places), Ingenta Connect Library Members and Ingenta Publishing Partners.

The CLOCKSS Archive: Long-Term Preservation for Scholarly Content

By Craig Van Dyck, Executive Director, CLOCKSS

January 2018

Just before the December holidays, the CLOCKSS Archive “triggered” 21 journals for open access. These were 21 of the journals that SAGE Publishing had acquired from Libertas Academica; SAGE had decided to cease publishing them, and to cease providing access. That’s when CLOCKSS stepped in, to preserve users’ access.

CLOCKSSCLOCKSS is a “dark archive” of scholarly content. With 30 million journal articles and 65,000 books, and growing rapidly, CLOCKSS is a leading preservation service for libraries and publishers who want to be sure that scholarly content will continue to be available to end-users for the long-term, no matter what might happen with the accessibility of the content.

Governance by the Community

CLOCKSS is a free-standing 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. Its Board of Directors includes 12 libraries and 12 publishers, who together discuss issues and make policy ( CLOCKSS is 11 years old, and is financially stable and sustainable.


CLOCKSS uses the award-winning preservation technology, LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), that was developed by and is maintained by the Stanford University Library. The C in CLOCKSS stands for Controlled. CLOCKSS has all its content replicated on 12 servers, at leading academic libraries around the world ( The core of LOCKSS’s preservation capabilities is a polling-and-repair mechanism, by which mutually-distrusting peer systems continuously validate the integrity of the data they hold in common. In this way, though the contents of the archive are “dark”, we can maintain a high degree of confidence that the bits themselves are healthy over time, and that the original content can be made available intact in the case of a trigger event. CLOCKSS was certified as a Trusted Repository by the Center for Research Libraries in 2014 ( and is the only certified repository with a perfect score for Technologies, Technical Infrastructure, and Security. CLOCKSS believes that our technology is the most robust long-term preservation solution.

Global Network of Servers

The CLOCKSS servers are located at 12 leading academic libraries around the world, including Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Germany, Italy, the UK, Canada, and the US (


If content that is being preserved in the CLOCKSS Archive has disappeared from the web – or is in danger of disappearing – then CLOCKSS will “trigger” the content for open access. In its 11 years, CLOCKSS has triggered 53 journals comprising 14,000 articles, which is a very small percentage of the 2000+ journals and 30 million articles in the Archive ( CLOCKSS is committed to providing Open Access to triggered content.

2018 Priorities

In the near-term, the top priorities for CLOCKSS are:

  • Complete the 3-year project to upgrade our global network of servers.
  • Continue the LOCKSS software re-architecture, making it more modular, with the modules usable by more parties; and bringing in more open source components.
  • Reach out more to libraries to articulate the CLOCKSS value proposition.
  • Continue adding the complete journal backfiles of the largest publishers.
  • Add more books.
  • Review the CLOCKSS scope, to ensure that all key elements of scholarly publishing are being preserved, e.g. metadata, and “supplementary material”. For example, as of late 2017 we are adding Code Ocean, a software repository, to our archive.

Library Support and Publisher Participation

Libraries make voluntary contributions to CLOCKSS, in recognition of libraries’ responsibility as stewards of the scholarly literature on behalf of their faculty and students. Publishers sign an agreement with CLOCKSS, which defines rights, responsibilities, and fees. The library support levels and publisher fees are posted on the CLOCKSS website ( There are 300 library supporters and 250 publisher participants.

The George Pitcher Award Winner 2017: Building the GCU Online UK Copyright Advisor

Marion award 2017 CILTEvery year, we’re delighted to sponsor The George Pitcher Award, in memory of the colleague at Ingenta who developed the Heron and Packtracker software, now returned and replaced by the CLA’s own DCS service.

The lucky winner of this year’s ward was Marion Kelt, who will by sponsored to attend the 6th CILIP ARLG-SW DARTS Conference at Dartington Hall, Totnes, on Thursday 24th – Friday 25th May 2018. For more information on the conference, please see:

We love to see YOUR entry for the 2018 Award. To enter, all you have to do is produce 400 to 500 words on an innovative way of using technology to guide and facilitate support of staff and students engaged in learning and / or support services. For an entry form, just mail me at I will now hand over to Marion!

My name is Marion Kelt and one of my many tasks is to act as Copyright Advisor at GCU (Glasgow Caledonian University). With the rise of online courses and transnational education there has been an increase in the number and types of copyright enquiry. Another aspect of my job is to promote the building and use of OERs (Open Educational Resources). One of the main barriers to uptake is a general fear of copyright and licensing issues. They are the elephant in the room, we all know it is there, but nobody wants to admit it exists!

We developed an online copyright advisor to help staff and students to quickly answer the most frequently asked questions on commonly used resources. We also wanted to share the result with the academic community, as we felt that it would be a useful tool which could be easily customised to fit the needs of different institutions. It is available at

The other reason to develop a system was to save myself from having to answer the same questions repeatedly, and to provide a 24-7 resource to help enquirers with the more straightforward questions.

It all started with our list of FAQs. As you know, we often build FAQ pages which are then ignored and our users ask us anyway! We had been keeping a note of enquiries so we could reuse answers, but started wondering if there was a way that we could use it to develop an online resource. Of course we looked around to see if there were any OERs which could either do the job, or be adapted to suit. Although we did come across some, they did not quite meet our needs and were tied to institution specific software.

We decided to tackle FAQs on seven types of resource:

  • Audio files
  • Book chapters
  • Computer code
  • Journal articles
  • Maps
  • Video files


First we developed flowcharts of questions and answers, then we developed a list of text answers to the questions and a glossary.


We found that one or two people working together was not enough, so we formed a group. It was made up of:

  • Me (Copyright Advisor)
  • Susan Cunningham (Library Admin)
  • Toby Hanning (Systems)
  • Nicky Stewart (Systems)
  • Elinor Toland (PURE Repository)

This helped with the logical flow of questions and ensured consistency of language. These documents are available at

We built the advisor using iSpring software which was compatible with edShare. We already had a licence for it and it integrates well with PowerPoint. It was simple to set up the questions and paths through the system. The main snags are that iSpring only allows forward navigation, and that it was not clear how to restart the advisor if you had another question. We later found that refreshing the browser or hitting F5 restarts it.

The design is very plain at present, though we do have plans to improve this in the next version. We aimed to keep our answers as positive as possible, suggesting alternatives rather than forbidding certain actions. Some of the answers can be a bit “wordy”, so we added traffic lights to give quick visual cues to our users. We also added links where possible, so we link to the licenses we refer to, the library web pages and our own quick copyright glossary.


We are now on version two of the advisor and are about to start actively promoting it to the GCU community at the start of 2018. We have made the advisor available under a Creative Commons (CC) license, so if you like what it does, you can download a zip file ( ) of the content and adapt it for use at your own institution. If you would rather start from scratch, but use our workflows and texts as a starting point, feel free! They are also available under CC licence. I found that developing these was the hardest part of the project – we spent many hours in a small room arguing about copyright. The good news is that we have done it so that you don’t have to!

We would love you to look at the advisor and use it as much as you want. We would welcome your questions and feedback, even if you are pointing out mistakes that may have slipped through the net! You can contact me at , I’m always happy to chat!

News from Ingenta…

Google’s CASA service

Ingenta Connect is delighted to announce the integration of Google’s CASA service into Ingenta Connect.

CASA is a new service developed by Google which lets researchers access full text PDFs from journals to which their institution has subscribed, even when they are working at home and not using a university IP address. How does it work?

Ingenta Connect already functions with Google’s Subscriber Links service so institutional users can link directly from Google Scholar search results to subscribed content – but only if they are on campus. CASA extends this feature so Google Scholar users can access the same subscribed content off-campus as they do on-campus, so no additional off-campus login is necessary. Result: an easier, smoother way for legitimate users – wherever they are – to access our publishers’ content!


We’ll be at UKSG again this year! The UKSG Annual Conference and Exhibition UKSG 41st Annual Conference and Exhibition (9th to 11th April) is a major event in the scholarly communications calendar which each year attracts over 900 delegates from around the world – librarians, publishers, content providers, consultants and intermediaries.  The conference combines high-quality plenary presentations, lightning talks and breakout sessions with a major trade exhibition and entertaining social events. This year it’s being held in Glasgow, Scotland – a fine city to visit. If you would like to see us, please email to arrange an appointment.

New Publishers on Ingenta Connect and Ingenta Open

Pluto Journals

IC_Newsletter_Cuban_studiesSoon to be available on Ingenta Connect is a selection of the top titles from Pluto Journals, which was launched in 2009, as an independent, scholarly, and international journal publisher in the field of Social Sciences. Their journals include the fields of politics, current affairs, international studies, law, political economy, work, and Arab and Islamic studies.

PJ is international in terms of subject matter, with editors from the four corners of the world, and they sell globally.

IC_Newsletter_Paths_InternationalPaths International

This new journal provides unique and diverse perspectives from China on the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’. The BRI principle of “wide consultation, joint construction, mutual benefit” embodies a brand-new, non- confrontational cooperation concept based on traditional Chinese culture. This journal researches the BRI objectives of “policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-to-people bonds”. The goal of this journal is to be comprehensive in content, rigorous in structure and meticulous in form. See

Peter Lang

All bar one of Peter Lang’s journals publications are going full Open Access this year and will be transferred to our new Ingenta Open site. Peter Lang specializes in the Social Sciences and Humanities and covers the complete spectrum from monographs to student textbooks. Content will remain indexed on Ingenta Connect – see



Upcoming Events

Upcoming events Ingenta Connect will be present at include:

Upcoming Webinars

Free webinars you can register for include:

I hope you enjoy reading this quarterly newsletter.

For information on any of the above initiatives or publishers, please mail me at


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