New Publishers on Ingenta Connect

Ingenta Connect welcomes the following publishers to the platform:

Bristol University Press – Bristol University Press supports and advances scholarship and education in the social sciences.  The home of the award-winning Policy Press, it publishes world-class research, learning resources and scholarly social commentary in key disciplines

Pemberley Books (Publishing)  – Pemberley Natural History Books was established in 1989 as natural history booksellers. Based in Iver, Great Britain the publication division, Pemberley Books (Publishing), produces two entomological journals, the Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine and Entomologist’s Gazette. Both journals aim to bring significant research to the attention of professional and informed amateur entomologists.

ROUTLEDGE in association with GSE Research – Greenleaf Publishing publishes books and journals specialising in corporate responsibility, business ethics, environmental policy and management, future business strategy and practice, and sustainable development.

Sycamore Publications –  The Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies (J. Adv. Oxid. Technol.) is an international refereed journal. The Journal has been in existence since 1996 and was launched to share new advancements by experts in the field of Advanced Oxidation Technologies (AOTs) internationally.

Illinois Association of School Social Workers – The School Social Work Journal is a refereed journal directed to the interests of school social workers and school social work educators. Articles may report original research, review the literature, develop conceptual thinking, or describe effective assessment and intervention methods and model service delivery programs.

Paths International Ltd. – China Belt and Road Initiative Journal:  Research and Analysis and Perspectives.  This journal provides unique and diverse perspectives from China on the ‘Belt and Road initiative’. China’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ reflects China’s vision for a better world and bright future. 

International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) – The International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) is a professional not-for-profit organization of engineers, architects, designers, builders and academics sharing a common interest in design, analysis, materials, and construction/fabrication techniques of shell and spatial structures.

Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute – Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute is a centre of expertise, advising on mycological problems of a scientific, health-related or industrial nature. It offers various services including identifications, patent deposits and courses. Research projects for third parties can be carried out on a strictly confidential base. The institute also publishes books and the journals Studies in Mycology, CBS Biodiversity Series and Persoonia.


Continue reading the Ingenta Connect Publishers Newsletter – London Book Fair Edition

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