New Features on ingentaconnect: ReadCube Discover


As part of our drive to enhance discoverability of scholarly content, we have recently partnered with ReadCube, from Digital Science. ReadCube’s suite of desktop, web, and mobile applications are used by over 15 million researchers across the globe. ReadCube assists users in every discipline to easily organize and manage existing article libraries, as well as discover new literature through searches and daily personalized recommendations.

Publishers hosting their DOI-indexed content on ingentaconnect will now have their content indexed and discoverable through the ReadCube Discover service, via a suite of scholarly tools including ReadCube’s search engine, personalized recommendation feeds and related article features. Once researchers locate an article’s overview within ReadCube, in a single click they are seamlessly driven to access the full content via the ingentaconnect site.

PDF content will be automatically enhanced with ReadCube’s signature Enhanced PDF technology when read by registered ReadCube users within any of ReadCube’s web, desktop or mobile apps. Interactive enhancements include annotation tools, hyperlinked inline references, linked author names, and contextual article information (including supplementary materials), all available to readers with a single click.

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