Customer Spotlight: ingentaCMS

AIP Scitation

In October 2013, the American Institute of Physics (AIP) and Ingenta launched the next generation of the AIP Scitation platform, serving 135,000 members of the global physical science community and generating 435,000 page views per day.

Running on the ingentaCMS platform, AIP and its ten Member Societies host nearly a million articles from 47 journals, as well as meeting abstracts, patent reviews, proceeding papers and blogs. The site also houses Physics Today magazine and historical documents from AIP’s Physics Resources Center.

The new platform is semantically enriched using the Scitation thesaurus of 7,500 terms to support 21 topic pages, which can be searched and browsed across all publishers and content types. At the same time, a unique concept boosting feature on ingentaCMS , driven by semantic tagging, bumps subject homepages to the top of search results and directs users to associated content and unique resource collections.

Further features of the site designed to improve user experience include article-level metrics and comment functionality, social network integration, article pages featuring related content suggestions, and cross-publication author pages.  Below are some of the highlights of the new AIP Scitation site.

Publication Homepage

The Publication Homepage surfaces content from the publication directly on the landing page. The most read and most cited articles of the month are also displayed on the homepage, and are generated based on the site usage of that month. This dynamic homepage can be tailored to meet the needs of each publication, with customization-enabled tabs and other features managed by Content Tools.

Search Function

The search function allows users to filter results by topic, publisher, publication, content type, author and date. Topics that appear on the search results page are tailored to a thesaurus that is specific to AIP. This feature is available to all sites hosted by ingentaCMS and can meet the needs of each and every unique publication on this platform. In addition, the built-in volume/page number search also offers the ability to jump to specific content with any given text, which provides enhanced navigation for readers.

Author Homepage

The Author Homepage feature links to content by the same author within the platform. This feature makes finding content simple by aggregating all relevant articles by a specific author in one central location.

Article Level Metrics

Article level metrics allow AIP to access data on specific content posted to the site. This feature can be turned on or off per title, based on author or publisher preference. This information is organized by month, and provides metrics for abstracts, full-text and total views over time. The total view pie chart also details how many views were actually PDF downloads, HTML full text views or abstract page views.

The Idea Box

The Idea Box is a custom built, fully-integrated blog platform hosted by AIP. Just like any another blog format, The Idea Box allows social media sharing and commenting when logged into an account. This feature is managed by Content Tools, and could be applied to any ingentaCMS site.

Physics Today

Physics Today is an example of ingentaCMS’s ability to take a glossy print page and transform it into an aesthetically pleasing and functional website. This site includes the print edition of Physics Today as well, so the novelty of the print magazine is not lost. The content itself is structured into volumes, issues and a daily edition. The daily edition includes news items that are similar to blog posts, along with a built in feature for obituaries.

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